So my brocha to all today's mesayimei hashas is, that each one should continue to have his chelek and kesher with Hakadosh Baruch Hu and His Torah. You're holding on to the Rebono Shel Olam that gave us the Torah, that's our closest connection to Hakadosh Boruch Hu.
Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky
Me'Sayem Hashas
Avraham Fried - Benny Friedman - Eli Marcus - 8th Day Shmuel & Bentzi Marcus
Avraham Fried & Family
Today, this holy group has gone thru 2711 pages of shas, you have gone thru every kal vachomer and gezerah shavah in shas, you have activated thru your learning the thirteen Middot HaRachamim
Rabbi Eli Mansour
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...after seventeen long years, my wife and I was b"H Zoche to become parents...
Rabbi Mordechai Koenig
ATIME Director of Medical Affairs
But all these things don’t do anything for the cause that they are raising money for…. The biking and running doesn’t cure anybody … but what is unique about the Shas-a-Thon is that the learning helps people…. there is no other event like this that I know of…