When you support couples on the journey through infertility, you give them a priceless gift – the chance to build a family, to build their future. ATIME provides hope, medical guidance, and financial assistance to help couples finally attain their dreams of parenthood.
Today, you can be a part of it.
On Sunday, February 9th, I will join hundreds of Acheinu Bnei Yisrael in learning the entire Shas – each of us learning 10 blatt to collectively reach a historic achievement in Torah. I have personally committed to study my blatt in Bava Kama and raise $18,000 to support ATIME.
Please join me in this great zechus by sponsoring a Daf, or contributing any amount you can, and take part in building the future of Klal Yisrael. YOU can make a difference!
On behalf of the many families silently facing the ups and downs of infertility…thank you!
Shasathon | Amount | Slot |
5777 | $3,696 | éáîåú ëå-ìä |
5778 | $10,648 | éáîåú ìä-îã |
5779 | $31,710 | ëøéúåú éà-ë |
5780 | $23,578 | ëøéúåú á-éà |
5781 | $111,205 | ëøéúåú ë - ëç |
5782 | $113,706 | îòéìä á - éá |
5783 | $41,518 | îòéìä éá - ëá |
5784 | $25,349 | îòéìä ëä-ìâ |
$378,734 | Total Raised |