Shas-a-Thon 5784   |   March 3, 2024   |   ë"â àãø à' úùô"ã

Executive Board Members: Lomdim that

serve on the ATIME Board of Trustees.


Honorary Board Members 5784: Lomdim that go above and beyond

their call of duty and have a significant impact on ATIME.




Chaburas Tosfos: Lomdim who commit to

studying their dafim with Rashi and Tosfos.



Team Far Rockaway
Team ABS
Team Houston
KOL Banayich
Team Reb Shayale
Team Woodmere
Team Vilna
Team Ameri Coverage
Team Family Fuchs
Care Rite Centers
Team Tessler
Team Yeshiva Chafetz Chaim
ATIME Shas-A-Thon
1310 48th Street #406
Brooklyn NY 11219
Tel: 718-972-SHAS (7427)
Fax: 718-FAX-1234
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